Saturday 12 September 2015


The divorce case between Emeka Ike and his wife has taken so many twists. The most recent was when the actor accused a popular pastor in Lagos of contributing to the break-up of his marriage and the pastor dismissing his allegation as arrant nonsense.

Like an African proverb states, ‘when two elephants fight, it is the grass that faces the consequence’ and in this regard, the four children the union produced are facing the burn of the divorce.

In an exclusive chat with Saturday Beats, the actor in an emotion laden voice, described how his children always ask about their mother from him and how he responds.

“On many occasions, they ask me about their mother and tell me to ask her to come back home but she would say she is not coming and there is nothing I can do. They cannot help it; they miss their mother every day. At first when they asked me, I lied to them telling them their mother would come back and that we had made up. Then the media blew everything out of proportion, the news is all over the internet. I cannot kill myself so I try to explain what is happening to them,” he said.
He told Saturday Beats that he hardly hang out with friends because he now plays the role of a father and a mother.

“God is our strength; He is the blessed assurance and the one that consoles a man in my position. We do all we can to make sure the children get the best. I have an assistant in the house, a male house help and a chauffeur in the house and they all take care of the children when I am away attending to work. I make myself available as much as I can because I am their father and mother right now. It has not been easy acting the role of a father and mother to my children but it has made me to love and appreciate them the more. If I am away from them for more than an hour, I would not be at peace so I have to call home to check on them at regular intervals. As I speak with you, I am on my way to work but I make sure I always call them regularly because I am bothered when I am not with them. But a man has to work to fend for his family. I hardly hang out with friends anymore and immediately I finish from work, I rush home to be with my kids,” Ike said.

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