Tuesday 1 December 2015


 Meet Oscar Ukonu, the talented Nigerian ball pen artist who can draw everything with virtually a pen.

According to Oscar,

"I started with the Ball pen as my medium in 2014, not because of any form of perfection as always misunderstood, but because the Ball pen was a piece of tool I felt more comfortable working with, rather than the graphite pencils I started off with. With photo realism as my genre of art, the ball pen's definite and steady 'ballpoint' feature gives me more control than any other material."
 See more paintings after the cut
Before the ball pen meets with the plain white paper, Oscar studies every detail on his subject's
face for at least two days to help him connect with the personality, most times using their photos as wallpapers on all his devices just to keep that connection through out the drawing process.

He revealed,

"This is the technique that helps me have a foresight of what the artwork will look like even before drawing, which then gives me an added ability of drawing from memory with the reference photo as my guide. Then I draw all I have seen for an average of 100 to 120 hours."

Currently in Oscar's portfolio are works on Prof. Chinua Achebe; former President of Nigeria, Goodluck Jonathan; Banky W,  Monalisa Chinda, 2face Idibia and a host of others, which were all inspired by how much the personalities have sacrificed, influenced and contributed to the growth and development of Nigeria, Africa and the rest of the world.

He looks forward to adding more personalities to this list and exhibiting them, in order to keep honoring their selfless acts


  1. Oscar Ukonu.. My course mate in school.(fedpoly nekede, Architecture dept). I have been looking everywhere for him. Please how can I get in contact with him. I have some Job for him
