Monday 7 September 2015


The iconic footballer is reportedly thinking about putting himself forward for the role as his loyal army of followers are desperate to see him play the smoldering secret agent

David Beckham is reportedly being lined up to play James Bond.

According to a report in the Daily Star, the 40-year-old is seriously considering taking on the iconic role as Daniel Craig's contract approaches its expiration date.

The father of four is said to have started thinking about putting himself forward for the part after being encouraged to do so by fans.

Of course, this news will undoubtedly come as no surprise to David's loyal army of followers as the football legend has made no secret of his plans to give acting a go.After featuring in a Christmas special of Only Fools And Horses last year, the star has most recently landed himself a speaking role in a movie directed by Guy Ritchie .

Becks, 40, has 13 lines in the movie, playing a grotesque knight with blackened teeth in Knights of the Roundtable: King Arthur.

He said of the film, which is out next year: "I’m good friends with Guy and trust him. He wouldn’t put me in a film if he thought I was going to ruin it.

"I had 13 lines and I practised a huge amount beforehand. Guy had someone come and rehearse with me and I did an hour of it every day."

Filming took place eight weeks ago and Becks was scared on set. He said: "It was nerve-racking delivering the lines but I enjoyed it massively."

He added: "Sport gets my heart beating faster. Acting is the same."

The former Manchester United and Real Madrid ace also appears in a 15-minute film short called Outlaws for the British leather brand Belstaff, with Harvey Keitel.

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