Wednesday 23 September 2015


A gym fanatic who worked out twice a day and hoped to emulate film star Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson died after tearing an artery in his chest, a court heard.

Andrej Gajdos, 19, stood 7ft 2in tall and weighed around 20 stone when he died.

The teenager, who was born in Slovakia but later moved to Weston-super-Mare, collapsed outside a Tesco and could not be revived.

An inquest heard traces of anabolic steroids and testosterone were found in his body.

Mr Gajdos, a student, died almost instantly due to a ruptured thoracic aorta.

Dr John Oxley, who carried out the post-mortem exam, told the court this was extremely unusual in a young person and he had only seen one other similar case in 15 years.

He added he had "never met a man so big".

Mr Gajdos had organs which were much larger than usual, including his heart which weighed 680g, almost twice the normal size of between 400 - 500g.

Mr Oxley told the court: "Steroids would have enlarged his heart, and having a big heart predisposes thoracic rupture."

The coroner Dr Peter Harrowing recorded a narrative verdict, saying he could not be sure the steroids had caused Mr Gajdos' heart to swell or whether it may have been genetic.

He said: "Such a tear is a very rare event, and the most likely cause is genetic.

"But I cannot record a verdict of natural causes."

Following his death, friends raised thousands for the distraught family of Mr Gajdos.

One wrote on a fundraising page: "As you can see from the attached link Andrej was a very keen bodybuilder with aspirations to become the new Rock ... he will never reach that height now.

"The family and friends are just hoping he has found his place in heaven alongside the greats."

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