Monday 3 August 2015


I was out of employment for 4years after been laid off by my former employers due to downsizing. This period was on one of the most trying times for me considering the fact that I was the bread-winner of the family while I still had the job. In an attempt to get something doing, I registered on all job sites I came across. In all of these, none came forth.
Lady luck smiled on me as one of my church members after hearing from my pastor what I had gone through offered to help. She gave me her call card and requested I come around the following week, to cut the story short, I got a job without interview with a very good package.

My job description was simple, plan her schedules, attend meetings with her locally and outside, basically responsible for making sure things are in order while she was busy. I forgot to mention my boss is CEO of a multi- national company, and such my job took me places and gave me things I never imagined I could enjoy.
My nature of job sometimes leaves me with no option but to spend the night at my boss’s apartment due to her closing time and where I stay which is quite far from work. In all fairness, she offered me a permanent room in her house which will make my work easier and I can then go to my place weekends.
I am faced with a big issue, whenever I spend the night at her place, My boss’s husband comes around and tries to have his way while everyone is asleep. This has been going on for close to 5months and each time I refuse or threaten to voice out, he tells if I try anything stupid, I would lose my job. Truth is i know whatever he tells the wife is what she does because I have seen on several scenarios where he calls the final shot.
My strength is failing me, I am almost giving in to these frequent sexual advances, at the same time would I back-stab my boss who has done nothing but love me and treat me like her daughter?
Do I tell my boss of these happenings or do I give in to what my boss’s husband had constantly pointed out he wants? Telling my boss means she will confront him and in return either believe him or myself… If she believes him which I think she would, I would lose my job and get back to where I started from where the next meal and survival was uncertain.
I really need your advice.

Source -LadunLiadi

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