Saturday 1 August 2015


I am yet to see any of her movies but i found her interview quite interesting especially the part about her almost getting raped by a lesbian. Read the extract below

With the increase in homosexuality everywhere and in Nollywood, have you had any experience in that regard?

There was a time, I went to work in the east in Owerri, precisely. After shooting, I was in my hotel room and a lady who also worked on the same set with me, walked up to me at about 1.00a.m when we finished shooting. She told me she couldn’t go back to her house in Owerri, so I asked her to come and stay in my room, so that she could go back home in the morning and prepare for the next shoot. It was so funny that night, because it was the first time I was having such an experience with a lady. It was so real and strange. She just started touching me. I stood up and slapped her. I don’t like a lady touching me. No offense to the gay, because I have a lot of gay friends but I don’t like when you do it to me. Even though I slapped her, she was still like ‘Please, it won’t hurt, you’ll like it’. It was as if she was sick, because it wasn’t her anymore. I had to scream and people came to my rescue, because she was so strong, pushing and I was struggling with her. It was as if she was possessed. When people came, she pleaded that she didn’t know what came over her, to a point that I felt bad to have screamed for people to come. She was like a totally different person after the whole incident.

To read the full interview click here

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